Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Body-For-Life

Ok, I'm on a new fix.

I haven't blogged in the longest time, but I've been busy. I WAS in the middle of writing up a post about the new family budget, but a gave that up about a month ago, seeing that writing about numbers is just about as boring as writing numbers, so I'll save that for another time.

Right now, and I'm in a middle of a challenge with my coworker. We started the beginning of February. She's trying to lose weight, I'm trying to lose weight, so we're trying to motivate each other in getting active. We even have this calendar pinned up to the cork board by our desks, where we write down what we've done for the day, hers penned in red, mine in blue. At a glance, we can see how much we're doing, and hopefully motivate the other to do better.

Seeing that I haven't stepped into the gym since Dec. 31 (read, I haven't been to the gym so far this year), I thought what better way to take on this friendly challenge by finding a plan and simply following it. Enter Body-For-Life.

Now, if you haven't heard of this, I encourage you to check out Body For Life. I've had this book, Body For Life, on my bookshelf for years, probably going on 5 years or more, and I was always in awe at the transformations I saw in the photos that lined the cover. Twelve weeks to a new body. Pshaw! Yeah, right! So I say this everytime I pick up the book. But this time, maybe it'll be different, maybe if I give it a try it might work. Even if I get half the results I expect, at least it's something, right?

So the program consists of doing approximately 45 minutes of upper body exercises, 45 minutes of lower body exercises, and 20 minutes of cardio, alternating between each of these for 6 days a week. I'm so used to do doing mostly cardio and adding the occasional weight training session, so going to the gym without sweating like crazy on the treadmill will be very strange.

I started this past Monday, and if I were going to give this 12 weeks, I'll be finished on May 3. I'm hoping for anything, yet expecting everything. It's a game plan anyways. Wish me luck.


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